Nazi Memorabilia Auction

Home » Media Releases » Nazi Memorabilia Auction
Cassy O'Connor MP
August 5, 2019

News that Nazi memorabilia is being auctioned in Tasmania against the wishes of the Jewish community is of deep concern.  We urge the auction house to reconsider its apparent determination to sell these offensive reminders of one of the darkest, most murderous chapters in human history.

On behalf of the Tasmanian Greens, I offer strength and support to Jewish Tasmanians and all other Tasmanians affected by this news.

That this is happening at the same time as an anecdotally reported rise in racially motivated hate groups in Tasmania. This is also a matter of grave regret.

The Liberal Government needs to extend its support to the local Jewish community and commit to exploring a ban on the sale of Nazi memorabilia in Tasmania.

It is one thing not to forget the past to ensure we don’t repeat its mistakes, it’s another to highlight and try to make money out of the Holocaust.

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