Recovery Council Has Critical Role in Avoiding Business As Usual

Home » Media Releases » Recovery Council Has Critical Role in Avoiding Business As Usual
Cassy O'Connor MP
May 25, 2020

The Premier’s Social and Economic Recovery Advisory Council has a critical role to play in the future direction of Tasmania. Business as usual thinking won’t deliver sustained social and economic returns to this island or its people.

The Greens hope the Council will focus on this crisis-driven opportunity to deliver more green skills and jobs, and a housing led recovery.

The worst of all outcomes is that the direction is set early for more roads, more forest destruction and environmental damage, more raging social inequality.

We’ve got the opportunity now, presented by crisis, to reshape Tasmania for the better, fairer and greener, a place where young people have real hope for the future.

Making the right decisions now will not only help our economy recover, but will also tackle the cycle of inequality that has disadvantaged far too many Tasmanians for too long.

Tasmania can be a beacon to the world of how to flourish and prosper in a difficult century.

Tasmania needs more green jobs, government investment in green skills in engineering, design and construction, real climate action underpinned by forest and landscape restoration as well as sustainable agriculture and on-farm renewables, and, we need to kickstart without delay a housing led recovery.

The Greens trust the Council understands business-as-usual won’t cut it and that they are prepared to listen, and advise the Premier on a new path forward to a sustained recovery.

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