Heritage – Significant Site Nominations

Home » Parliament » Estimates » Heritage – Significant Site Nominations
Cassy O'Connor MP
June 9, 2022

Ms O’CONNOR – I’m interested in some updates on heritage nominations for significant sites. We know that Wrest Point Casino has been listed, a major donor of the party that you represent. But how is the heritage nomination for kunanyi’s huts and ice caves progressing? Do you have an update on the heritage process for unprotected sites, two of which are the Woolnorth site of the Cape Grim massacre of Aboriginal people, and the TVT 9 TV studios, which is the only surviving purpose-built TV station left in Tasmania, which was my first work site when I arrived on this island 33 years ago?

Ms OGILVIE – You’ve asked for three issues there.

Ms O’CONNOR – Sites.

Ms OGILVIE – The first one is in relation to Mt Wellington/kunanyi and I’m able to provide some information on that and there might be some that I will need the department to assist me with. I hope this relates specifically to your question because I am aware that there are a couple of sites that people are interested in in relation to the mountain.

The Wellington Park Management Trust is aware of a community group called ENSHRINE seeking to list heritage sites within and outside Wellington Park and the Hobart local planning scheme and later on the Tasmanian Heritage Register. The group has asked to meet with the trust to discuss its proposal. I understand they are preparing to lodge their first heritage nomination to the Tasmanian Planning Commission during the advertised period for the Hobart local provisions schedule. ENSHRINE regards local heritage listing as the first step in a multi-stage approach to secure national and international recognition for kunanyi/Mt Wellington and surrounds. ENSHRINE has asked for a meeting with the trust to discuss the proposal and I’m sure the trust will be delighted to do that, they’ve agreed to meet, and the trust will also look at planning and legal issues around listing heritage sites in the park on other local planning schemes.

Ms O’CONNOR – Thank you – Woolnorth?

Ms OGILVIE – Woolnorth, I’m not sure. We don’t have a specific brief on that but I do know that the department does have some information so we’ll ask for assistance on that.

Ms O’CONNOR – It’s a very significant historical site.

Mr ROBERTS – The process of nominating a new site is through the Heritage Council. They have a list that they consider. They publish the minutes of meetings that are done within two months of each meeting to identify whether a site that has been nominated by a member of the public is being pursued or not. That means the public can find out what is currently being pursued.

Ms O’CONNOR – Thank you. I’ll just point out that the Heritage Council’s last minutes published on the website are from February 2022. I don’t know if –

Mr ROBERTS – I said about two months after their meeting.

Ms O’CONNOR – It’s unfortunate that there’s no work on Woolnorth’s listing, but the TVT9 studios, is there any news on that?

Ms OGILVIE – I’m not aware of that, Ms O’Connor. Can you provide some additional clarity around who’s proposing that?

Ms O’CONNOR – I’m not exactly sure who’s proposing it. My understanding is it’s a very significant heritage site.

Ms OGILVIE – This is a twentieth century heritage site we’re talking about?

Ms O’CONNOR – Yes.

Ms OGILVIE – I could provide a little bit of information about twentieth century heritage listings but I fear that you would not want that information.

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