Lake Malbena – Corrupt Process

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Cassy O'Connor MP
November 27, 2018


Have you read any one of the 100plus personal and community group submissions to the federal Environment department in the first opportunity as Tasmanians had to comment on the proposal to privatise Halls Island for a luxury helicopter access proposal inside the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area? The majority of these submissions are from groups and individuals who would not call themselves Greens. The resolve in these submissions is strong. Do you accept your corrupted EOI process has all but guaranteed many of your own voters will be blockading the wilderness to ensure its protection for all to enjoy?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for the question. Yes, I have seen submissions from those who are not supportive of the project. I have seen submissions. I have also received correspondence from people who are supportive. I respect the fact that there are many people, regardless of who they voted for, who will have views one way or the other on these matters, but that should not determine government policy nor should that corrupt process.

For the party that often demands of government the best possible process, in this instance where there are state and local government processes and, by virtue of a self-nomination, a Commonwealth process, where the proponent is able to meet those tests, I believe that they should be respected for not only doing that but able to achieve that so-called social licence that some complain about.

Notwithstanding the fact there will be those who express their views to me and the Government, I believe they will no doubt attend rallies and perhaps be misled at them, as some would have been if they listened to what some were saying in recent public forums about the processes that have been undertaken.

For those people who are concerned about this, I say do not listen to the Greens or the environmental movement. Please take the time to understand the facts, the processes that have put in place. Those which the proponents have adhered to, who have willingly presented themselves to this point have received support for their project. This Government, nor indeed good process should not be influenced by what the Leader of the Greens would suggest we be, depending on who may or may not turn up to public rallies or may or may not write to the Government.

These matters should be independently, appropriately tested by good process as has happened with this case.

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