Racing – Off the Track Program

Home » Parliament » Estimates » Racing – Off the Track Program
Cassy O'Connor MP
September 9, 2021

Ms O'CONNOR - Minister, last year during Estimates we talked at some length - it might have been the minister who was your predecessor - about TasRacing's Off the Track program which was being put forward as one solution to sending beautiful animals to the abattoir because they cost too much to feed. How many horses have gone through the Off the Track program in the past year and in the year prior to that?

Ms HOWLETT - Thank you for that question. That is a matter for TasRacing. I'm sure the CEO will be able to answer that in GBEs.

Ms O'CONNOR - With respect, we discussed it in Estimates and there were some numbers given which turned out not to be correct in the end and that was discussed in racing Estimates.

Ms HOWLETT - That is an issue for TasRacing but I can take that on notice and provide you with that information.

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