State Growth – Visas

Home » Parliament » Estimates » State Growth – Visas
Cassy O'Connor MP
September 8, 2021

Ms O'CONNOR - This a question I am happy to put on notice and each year I ask it. Can you provide information on the total number of visas issued under each subclass by financial year from 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21? Under each subclass and the country of origin for nominees? I am happy to write that out.

Mr JAENSCH - You can, if we have to provide here now we will or we will take it on notice.

Mr EVANS - To be clear, we do not issue visas.

Ms O'CONNOR - That is right. But there is a line item in the Budget about visas and the subclasses they are issued under.

Mr JAENSCH - We will take it on notice.

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